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최근 미국 뉴스 사이트의 Hot theme와 contents

by 수레바퀴 2004. 9. 1.

Republican National Convention: We've added several new resources to the Election section , which will help you research advance stories heading into the Republican convention in late August. Also, you can review coverage of the Democratic convention. ConventionBloggers.com will help you track blogs of some of the top online columnists covering the conventions.

Election 2004: The Political Moneyline site is a must-bookmark for any journalist. This site allows you to track campaign finance, lobbying and soft money contributions. The Living Room Candidate: Past Presidential Ad Campaigns features TV commercials and other ads dating back to 1952. Find more resources in the Election section.

Summer Olympics: Check the daily events schedule and the TV schedule or see what the weather is like in Athens. Find more resources on Olympics coverage, background, history, media coverage, events and Athens history on the Olympics Resources page. The site includes a special section on Blood Doping and Steroids. Gary Price's Resource Shelf has a great collection of Olympic Fast Facts links, including an Olympic Medal Winner Database. We also reorganized and expanded the Sports section to make it easier to find information quickly.

9/11 Anniversary: The third anniversary of 9/11 is approaching. Use resources on the 9/11 Attacks, Military and Iraq pages to research advance stories. Another good site is the Brainstorms and Raves.com 9/11 Attack Resources, which lists and summarizes credible links and resources.

Russian Jetliner Crashes: The Public Safety section has dozens of links to air safety and crash sites.

Iraq: Icasualties.org tracks Iraq war casualties. Search through statistics by month, country, etc. Also links to stories about war casualties in prominent publications Keep up-to-date on issues in Iraq with other resources on the Iraq pages. They include background on the issue, weapons inspections sites and coverage of the conflict.

Track Military Personnel: Find dozens of resources in the Military section.

Environment: A must-bookmark for any environment reporter, National Priorities has a state-by-state breakdown of what’s happening environmentally across the country. The site offers community groups resources to shape public policy and influence the national budget. Find more resources in the Environment section.

Education: Sparknotes.com has a section dedicated to the new SAT that features stories, tips and answers questions about the exam. Find more resources in the Education section.

Public Records: One of the best public records sites available is Search Systems, a free database that has business information, corporate filings, property records, unclaimed property, professional licenses, inmates, criminal and court filings and much more. You can even see aerial photographs of your home. Find more useful sites in the Public Records section.

Jobs: The Toolbox's Jobs section features dozens of journailsm job databases and search resources. They're organized by news, sports, photography, PR, etc. Also, use the Cover Letters and Resumes section for expert tips on how to develop a job packet.

Medical/Health: Here's a handy list of 2004 health day and week celebrations.

First Amendment: We’ve updated the First Amendment/Free Speech page with several new links.

Student Resources: College and high school students will find many helpful Toolbox resources for researching papers, reporting and more: Reporting Techniques, Public Records, History, Ethics and Copy Editing.

Just for Fun: Check out the Cool Sites page for funny, offbeat web tools. The Strange News archive shows that fact truly is stranger than fiction.

Reporting Tools: Reporting Techniques, Phone/E-Mail/Maps Directories, Search Engines, Expert Sources, Investigative, Form 990s, Public Records, Ethics, Check Domain Names, General Research and Writing With Numbers.

Editing and Fact-Checking Resources: The American Copy Editing Society has assembled a collection of 49 online quizzes about everything from AP Style and usage to Iraq and the Middle East. Related Resources: Copy Editing, General Research, History, Domain Sites and Writing With Numbers.

Teaching Tools: Many of you who use this site train your newsrooms and classrooms how to do online research. The Toolbox offers a simple, 10-step approach to teaching basic online research techniques. You could break this exercise into two class sessions or spread them over a five- or 10-week period, using each exercise as online homework. Related Resources: Teaching Tools, College Media and High School Journalism. Also helpful are a two-part lesson plan for teaching online research, Web Editing and Design Tools, Print Design, Broadcasting, Ethics, Writing, Reporting Techniques, Writing with Numbers, Photojournalism and Copy Editing.

Writing with Statistics: Test your skills with IRE's new interactive math quiz. After you've taken the test, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to arrive at the correct answers. You'll find more resources like this one on the Writing with Numbers page. Related Resources: Spreadsheets, Business, Finance and Federal Government Census Data.


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